Rules & Regulations
Terms of Agreement
- Wild Wings Marina has 168 floating docks and 334 slips. Each dock's approach apron will adjust to typical water level changes.
- The double launching ramp is only 1800 feet from the protected harbor entrance to Lake Erie's Western Basin fishing grounds.
- Boaters will pass the on-site gas dock and head pump-out station. Powerboats up to 32 feet are permitted.
- An attractive, covered, stainless steel fish cleaning station is provided for all DIYers; On-site fish cleaning service is available for an additional fee, and an independent bait shop is available within walking distance.
- Wild Wings Marina is proud to help the environment: fish waste is collected and recycled through an arrangement with a fertilizer manufacturer.
- Many charter boat captains operate their fishing trips from Wild Wings.
- Transient docks are available for daily, weekly or monthly stays. (See Transient Rental Page for more details.)
*** Must display valid Wild Wings permit-sticker & park in assigned locations or be fined ***
Click here for a printable version of 2025 Marina Rates
Wild Wings Marina
2025 Rules & Regulations
- Renewed contracts must be signed by Lessee and received by Wild Wings no later than November 1, 2024 and it must also include a minimum of one-third of total dock fee. WITHOUT A SIGNED CONTRACT RECEIVED BY NOVEMBER 1, 2024 – DOCKS WILL NOT BE RESERVED. If paid in full by November 1, 2024 – Lessee will benefit from 10% discount on dock fee. If not paid in full by November 1, 2024, all Lessees agree to pay balance due using this three-part payment plan: First 1/3 paid by November 1, 2024, to include FULL Winter Storage Fees and 1/3 of Dock Fees; second 1/3 paid by January 10, 2025; final 1/3 paid by March 1, 2025. (If payments are late, a $100 fee will be applied each time.) All dock contracts must be paid in full by March 1, 2025 or considered void with no monies returned. Contracts not signed by Lessee will not be honored. Boats are not permitted in marina unless contract is signed and paid in full. All boats in marina must display valid Wild Wings permit number. Docks are not permitted to be sublet or used by anyone except Lessee.
- Any theft, vandalism, or illegal activity by Lessee or guests within the marina will be cause for cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement without refund. Repeated offenses of “rude or obnoxious behavior” may result in termination at management’s discretion.
- Temporary or permanent relocation of boats by management may be necessary as maintenance or development warrants.
- You are docking at your own risk. Wild Wings will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage to any Lessee’s or their guest’s personal or business property. It is the Lessee’s responsibility to be properly insured. Personal liability coverage is recommended.
- It is the Lessee’s responsibility to see that visiting guests observe and obey all rules and regulations.
- Any violation of the Rules and Regulations will be cause for cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement without refund.
- Lessee must provide accurate description of boat and/or trailers. Office must be notified of any changes in boat, trailer, or personal information (address, phone, emergency contact…)
- NO RV, tent, automobile, or dockside camping permitted within the marina.
- NO overnight stays on boat/dock permitted within the marina.
- Refueling of boats at individual docks is strictly prohibited for liability, environmental and public safety reasons. Failure to adhere to this rule will be cause for immediate cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement without refund.
- Dry Docked boats and/or trailers must be paid and be within the designated storage area; not kept “dockside”. If not, they may be moved to storage area, and “booted”. If “booted”, a $50 fine must be paid, along with storage fee, prior to removal of “boot”.
- Summer season (4/1 -11/1) Dry Dock contracts must be paid in full by March 1st. All stored boats and/or trailers must display valid Wild Wings permit. Off season (11/2 - 3/31) Dry Dock contracts must be paid in full by Nov. 1st.
- Lessees are to park in-line with their dock and in assigned space only. No sideways parking, there is parking for only one vehicle per dock.
- Lessee is responsible for weeds around the dock approach. If Wild Wings has to clear it, it will result in a $50 fine.
- Lessee must observe “NO WAKE” rules. NO swimming permitted in marina waters.
- Fish waste must only be disposed of properly in container(s) located by fish cleaning station. Other trash must go in trash barrels or dumpsters in marina. Fish waste is collected from the Marina to be recycled into organic fertilizer.
- Boats may not be stripped, sanded, or painted at or near the dock.
- Misuse or waste of water and/or electric in the marina may result in a $25 fine. Repeated offense will result in termination without refund. Unauthorized use of electric power, water, or tampering with utilities will be cause for cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement without refund.
- Basic 20-amp electric service (only) available at certain docks within marina.
- NO discharge of bilge waters or dumping of any kind into the water ways or on the ground.
- NO discharge of head waste in the water ways. Violation will be cause for immediate cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement without refund.
- NO use of the Wild Wings name or logo, in any form, without prior written permission.
- Nothing but toilet paper should be thrown into port-a-johns. NO: wipes, applicators, needles, etc.
- NO Firearms, weapons, or explosives: Lessee may not engage in any activity involving firearms, including BB guns, slingshots, bow and arrows, or other weapons within the marina.
- NO Fireworks, firecrackers, or other explosive or pyrotechnic activity permitted within the marina.
- Pets must be on a leash and cleaned up after promptly. There is no area where it is permitted to leave animal waste on the ground.
- If you are found to have deliberately harassed, injured, or killed any of the wildlife on the property your lease will be cancelled immediately.
- Charter Captains and Lessees are responsible for determining the ability of any guest to safely use marina facilities.
Click here to download or print the 2025 Marina Rules and Regulations
- Terms of this Contract runs from April 1 to November 1.
- Wild Wings, Inc. (“Wild Wings”) reserves the right to rent any site or dock not under contract by November 1, 2024. All campsite and dock leases not paid in full by March 1 will be considered void and no monies will be refunded.
- Lessee is required to maintain insurance for his/her boat and/or camper.
- Campsite and/or Dock Lessee must either: pay-in-full for 2025 season by November 1, 2024 or participate in the threepart payment plan presented in Rules & Regulations. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged each time a payment date is missed.
- A $50.00 fee will be charged monthly on all delinquent utility accounts. If Lessee is more than 30-days delinquent on utility bill, management will have utility service disconnected, until Lessee has paid delinquent bill, and a $50.00
reconnection fee. - Wild Wings reserves the right to move property of Lessees with delinquent accounts off site at Lessees’ expense.
- Wild Wings assumes no liability for any damage claimed by Lessees in connection with Wild Wings moving trailers, boats or campers of Lessees who are in violation of this Contract.
- Wild Wings reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to assign an alternative campsite or dock location as maintenance or development necessitates.
- Any violation of the Rules and Regulations will be cause for cancellation of Lessee’s Agreement, without refund, and removal of Lessee’s personal property.
- Any modification, amendment, or failure to enforce any of the Rules and Regulations by Wild Wings management, representatives, and employees, shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the requirement of compliance with same by Lessee, Lessee’s children and/or guests
- Indemnification: By entering onto property owned and controlled by Wild Wings, Lessee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Wild Wings from, against and in respect of (i) any and all causes of actions, suits, claims, demands, judgments, proceedings, and investigation, of any kind whatsoever arising out of, by reason of, as a result of, or in connection with the presence of Lessee’s guest(s) on Wild Wings property; and (ii) any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, expenses (including attorney fees and the expenses and disbursements of legal counsel), assessments, financial penalties, and amounts paid in compromise of settlement, suffered, incurred, or sustained by Wild Wings as a result of, by reason of, or in connection with the actions of Lessee’s guests.
- Release of Liability: Lessee, for him/herself, and for any children and/or guests, agrees as follows: Lessee and guests enter Wild Wings property at their own risk, and specifically accept the property in its then-existing condition, on behalf of Lessee and anyone entitled to act on Lessee’s behalf HOLD HARMLESS, WAIVE, AND RELEASE Wild Wings, its owners, officers, agents, employees, contractors, organizers, representatives, successors and assigns, affiliated or subsidiary companies, and their respective officers, directors, agents, contractors, employees, heirs, successors and assigns, from all liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, and damages for which Wild Wings might otherwise become liable by reason of any accidents, or injuries to, or death of any persons, including guests, or damage to personal property, or both, in any manner arising or resulting from, caused by, connected with, or related to the presence of any such person or property upon Wild Wings property, regardless of how, where, or when such injury, death, or damage occurs, even if caused by the negligence of other guests, or weather, acts of God, fire, flood, theft, vandalism, or relocation, or Wild Wings, or due to conditions or defects on Wild Wings property, or from the property of other Lessees or guests.
- Payment is deemed earned in full when payment is made, or by March 1st when full payment must be received for Seasonal Contracts. No refunds will be granted, not even in the event of a natural disaster, pandemic, or act of God affecting the usability of the campground or marina, subject to very limited cases at management’s discretion.
- Entirety of Agreement: This Agreement, along with the incorporated Rules and Regulations, contains the entire Agreement between the parties. There are no oral waivers, alterations, or additions to this Agreement. This Agreement may only be amended in writing and signed by Lessee and Wild Wings.